There is a design competition currently running by Design 21, which is calling for entries for a competition that requires people to design an awareness campaign to educate the public on the issue of global warming. You have to be a member of design 21 to enter, but it's free to sign up to. The first prize is $5000 with a total of $10,000 prizes. The competition closes on June 17th 2007, so if you're interested go to
http://www.design21sdn.com/designit/designit_enter_competition.phpThe campaign may employ any media (print, billboard, clothing, film, animation, music etc) or a combination of formats, and therefore designers from all fields may find a way to get involved.
So take a look and enter, this is another way designers can address issues in the world.
This competiton relates to my abstract and poster and so I already have a basis to start this competition. Thanks for putting this up or I wouldn't have found out about it by myself. I hope to put in an entry- Let you know how I go.
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